Just for fun, here are some of the photos I’ve taken of politicians in the Greater Victoria area in the last year or so. The first two made the front page of Saanich News and Goldstream Gazette, respectively, and some of the others were published as well.
Now, if only I could get a shot of one them pulling a “Gnarr”. (Jón Gnarr is the mayor of Reykjavík, Iceland. He dresses in drag for the annual Gay Pride parade, and you can find very recent photos of him posing with Yoko Ono and Lady Gaga wearing a Jedi knight uniform.)
The Mayor of Saanich, Frank Leonard, adjusts his helmet before race director Ryan Schmidt pushes him on to the race track at the Canary Derby, a soapbox race to raise money for the B.C. Cancer Agency.
Mayor Stew Young gets a kiss from councillors Denise Blackwell and Winnie Sifert after they all got re-elected for their seventh term.Susan Zerb, executive director of Saanich Volunteers Services Society, and Saanich councilor Paul Gerrard, cut the ribbon of the new Commemorative Wayfinder as Ida Chong, MLA for Oak Bay – Gordon Head takes a photo for her Twitter feed.Oak Bay May Nils Jensen and former Oak Bay Mayor Christopher Causton start their floating teacup race towards the rescue boat, during the Oak Bay Tea Party.A rescue boat arrives to the aid of Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen, who did not manage to stay in his teacup while racing agains former mayor Christopher Causton at the Oak Bay Tea Party.Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen and former mayor Christopher Causton run hand in hand towards the bell after rowing their teacups at the Oak Bay Tea Party.
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