The ride is over. I’m no longer a photography student, but officially a Professional Photographer. I graduated on June 17th, which incidentally is Iceland’s national holiday. I made sure that fact was forced upon approximately 150 people, as that’s how I started my valedictorian speech.
Although grades are not everything, I’m definitely proud of my final mark which is a fraction over 90 percent.
But anyway, as I’ve mentioned before, I did my portfolio on food. And as my journey through school is over, and all the marks are in, here are the images from the portfolio, the way they appeared page by page.
Italian style – oil, pesto, olives, sundried tomatoes…Pork and beans from Spinnakers Brew Pub.Icelandic pancakes – apparently I need to bake a few for select people.Coffee art from Serious Coffee.Chocolate truffles from Spinnakers Brew Pub.Blackbean soup and salmon bagel from Willow Street Cafe, and some home-made borscht.Blueberries and a smoothie.Sushi platter at Nautical Nellies.Steak and lobster at Nautical Nellies.Coconut cream pie and New York cheesecake at Nautical Nellies.Starter and entrée from Royal Colwood Golf Club, dessert from Willow Street Cafe in Chemainus.Creme brulee at the Royal Colwood Golf Club.
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